Showing posts with label ENGLISH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ENGLISH. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2019

Folklore And Economic Security In Nigeria: (Alhaji Gambo Fagada a Radical Whistle Blower in Financial Crimes and Economic Genocide Matters)

October 14, 2019 0

Gambo was born in Fagada Babba, Mayyama Local Government, Kebbi State, Nigeria. His real date of birth is still under the cloud, but he claimed to be Seventy years old (70) as at 2002/2003. He died in the year 2016. By his oral testimony, he might be between 85/86 years old by the year 2018/2019 respectively. His pen name is Alhaji Muhammadu Gambo Mai Waqar Varayi. He was an accidental singer as he did not learn the art of singing from any singer of his contemporaries.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Linguistic Spaces In Hausa Trado-Medical Antiquities: A Neglected Aspect In Hausa Anthropological Linguistics

January 10, 2019 1

 This paper is an attempt to peep at a forgotten and neglected aspect of Hausa linguistics in the name of Anthropological Linguistics. It is a study which sets out to provide an overview of the subject under review as suggested by the paper’s title: “Linguistic spaces in Hausa trado-medical antiquities”. The data are gathered from primary and secondary sources specifically during field work and several contacts with selected Hausa practitioners. The focus of the study include the relevance of language in the Hausa trado-medical heritage; the identification of the major historical landmarks of Hausa traditional medicine namely ancient and pre-colonial healing traditions. Likewise, this work traces the Linguistic spaces in the herbal and faith medicine (Bori and Tsibbu). These are then explored in three stages namely, the linguistic spaces in the medicinal sources; branches of Hausa medicine, and...

Hyperbole As The Peak Of Stylistic Adornment In Hausa Oral Songs

January 10, 2019 0

The study area of this paper is hyperbole in Hausa oral songs. In contemporary Hausa studies, it is named Kambamar Zulaƙe (exaggeration or overstatement). In the study of the style under review, it is discovered that the literal and technical meaning of hyperbole is far beyond exaggeration or overstatement. It is a popular style, deeply rooted in all the categories of Hausa oral songs. It traces in the most prominent styles in Hausa oral songs and its popularity in dispensing ideas and presenting facts in singing profession is a good point to be considered. The contextual meanings of hyperbole Hausa oral songs present it as evidently beyond mere exaggeration. In folkloric point of view, many of the said statements are well protected in worldview…

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

From Zinder To Hausaland: (The Traces of Zinder Hausa-Muslim Scholars and Scholarship in Hausaland)

January 09, 2019 0

Migration is a universal culture across human history. The culture of migration is unavoidable in human history from time immemorial (evolution of mankind) to date. By definition, human migration is the movement by people from one place to another with the intention of settling, permanently or temporarily in a new location (Wikipedia). The said movement could be external, which is often over long distances or internal within a short range within the province, state or kingdom. Experts in the history of Hausaland observed that, one aspect of the internal history of Hausaland was large scale emigration from the area in the seventeenth century (Adamu, 1978:27). This paper is an attempt to study the religio-cultural impact of migration...

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Zarma Factor In The Kingdom Of Kanta

January 02, 2019 0

 Cultural relationship among African societies in sub-Saharan Africa is as old as the land itself. Brutal colonial policy on African cultures and traditions couple with wicked approach to the African ancient boundaries dealt a great blow to African history and development. Powerful kingdoms and chiefdoms were dismantled and dismembered into districts, regions and provinces. This resulted in a very sever cultural and linguistic endangerments in the affected kingdoms. Thus, historical origins and earlier intergroup relationship among African societies was logically distorted and the treasuries of its cultural values were led to rest. Zarma and the Kanta kingdom witnessed the aforementioned episode and struggled very hard to survive the inflicted injury...

Where Lies The Problem?

January 02, 2019 1

The search for where lies the truth in the divine books revealed to mankind has been an everlasting discourse in religious studies. The debate had always yield a commendable result in terms of getting new converts, understanding our differences, developing awareness among the devotees, mutual understanding, and peaceful co-existence, which translate into tranquil atmosphere for the people of different faith. The more the debate, the more the understanding of the lapses, rifts, lacuna, controversies and contradictions (if any) in our faith. This intellectual write-up is meant for the consumption of learned authorities in the business, while the open-air and house-to-house preaching consolidate ordinary followers to the doctrine…

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Place Of Climate In Hausa Tradi-Medical Tradition

January 01, 2019 0

Human health and climate are very much related in the philosophy of Hausa healing tradition. Body temperature, circulatory and respiratory systems of body anatomy translate climatic conditions of the very environment we live in. In this respect, our tradi-medical heritage is scientifically and culturally controlled by the climatic condition of the region we found ourselves. The focus of this paper is to examine the relevance of climate change in sub-saharan Africa particularly in that northern part of Nigeria, known as the Hausaland, with reference to the ancient institution of traditional health care delivery. To be precise, the desired target is to read through the negative impacts of climate change to the medicinal plants and trees, special species and materia-medica with special reference to some climate sensitive…

The Death that Never was in Hausa Confrontational Songs (A study of four popular songs of four Hausa prominent Oral Singers)

January 01, 2019 0

Death, Faɗuwa or Fakuwa in classical Hausa, now mutuwa in modern Hausa, is the central issue of this discussion. “Death” is literally defined as cessation of physical life or extinction of anything. It is a total destruction and collapse of the general body system. It is therefore considered the terminal of the general activities of life. Scientifically, its remedy is yet to be discovered, and there is no identified cultural antidote to confront its scourge. In human culture, death remains an unavoidable battle and hence a serious debatable issue in literary revolution across the globe. In the field of research, it is everywhere and no where to be met physically or otherwise. The phobia of its unnoticed…

Laughter in a multilingual society

January 01, 2019 0

Semantic is a major branch of Linguistics devoted to the study of meaning in language (Crystal, 1991:310). My intention, here is to look at laughter from Hausa cultural perspective with special reference to the semantic aspects of the subject. Meaning is so important as such, it occupies a significant position in human language, without it, it is difficult to comprehend verbal and non-verbal messages. In the affairs of grammar, literature and orature, it is meaning which leads the floor of discussion. Once meaning is distorted or not properly comprehended confusion may arise which could eventually provoke laughter among the discussants. My concern is with the meaning that provokes laughter in the intended message of the speaker, discussant, or a conveyor.

Monday, December 31, 2018

LINGUISTIC BALANCED SHEET OF KYANGA: (Between Endangerment Status and Extinction)

December 31, 2018 0

Human languages develop alongside with the life span of their speakers. It’s the speakers that motivated its development and other wise. If they are strong, courageous, and intelligent, their language would be strong enough to be well placed and wide spread beyond their political boundaries. Less privileged languages belong to a very minority group politically marginalized and socially isolated, economically below average and educationally left behind. These are the situations critically observed by the experts to classify languages at various endangerments status. In the assessment of this essay, Kyanganci or the Kyanga language is seen as one of the…

Agitation and Dialogue in Hausa and Ful’be Encounters: (Reassessing the Hausa Version as Depicted in Hausa Orature)

December 31, 2018 0

Folklore as a discipline is an important historical source in the territory of Oral tradition. Whatever shortcomings we may think is possible in self-styled narration of the history and happenings in our societies, it is very unlikely to make any significant input in our history outside the speculations of the popular oral sources. Fulbe and Hausa, though of different historical, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, are today socially integrated in Nigerian context and generally named as Hausa-Fulani. I do not contest the Nigerian factor behind the tag-name but the fact remains that, Hausa and Fulani of the northern region of the country are very close associates from time immemorial. Dandatti (1975) as per the role of oral singers in Hausa-Fulani societies…

Friday, December 28, 2018

Mathematical Heritage In Hausa Number System: (A Proposal for TeachingMathematics using Nigerian Languages)

December 28, 2018 1

The main objective of this research is to study the relevance of indigenous languages in teaching science education in Nigeria. The paper is very particular to the teaching of Mathematics in Hausa language in the predominant Hausa speaking community (northern Nigeria). In its purview, the paper specifically concentrates on numerals and numbers in Hausa counting system. It is common knowledge that in the field of Mathematics, numbers are among the basic ingredients in Mathematical operations. In order to strengthen the arguments enunciated in this paper, ten international languages were selected. The languages are; three European languages (English, French and German), three African languages (Arabic, Fulfulde and Zarma) and three Nigerian languages...

Hausa Culture And Islam: A Letter to Hausa-Muslim Youth of Today and those yet Unborn

December 28, 2018 0

In human history, there will be no progress without readiness. If yesterday was history, today will soon be a story by tomorrow.  To balance the equation of our development, we must know our past, be conscious of our present, to get ready for tomorrow’s challenges. The so-called sophisticated scientific and technological advancements of the modern world of the 21st century stated from time immemorial with series of modification and amendments before it reaches the level of its present state. This is directly telling us, whatever we named modern “today” passes through the ancient period of what we called tradition, norms, folklore or culture before it is scientifically....

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Ƙunar Bakin Wake: Ƙalubalen Tsaron Ƙarninmu

December 09, 2018 0

The current security situation in our dear Nigeria deserves our serious attention to arrest the ongoing unpleasant happenings. In Hausa Culture, war is a necessity in unavoidable situations; against all odds, to identify enemy, is key to open up the door to the battle field. Of course, there was never a conflict-free society in human history. However, a promising leadership is an advantage for the peaceful coexistence in any community. At very moment, Nigeria is said to be fighting a battle with unidentified enemies in the name of the so-called BOKO HARAM. The military propaganda that, BOKO HARAM were defeated, can be contested with the booming suicide bombings across the country….